Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hemocyl ? Hemorrhoids Cure Reviews | JennyReviews.com

Clinical studies have shown that Hemocyl hemorrhoids cure was effective in reduce the pain, bleeding, and discomfort in the anorectal area in 95% of trial patients.

Hemocyl is a natural hemorrhoids cure. Hemocyl is an oral supplement that helps reduce and can completely eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you or a loved one are among the millions of people who suffer from this health concern, then the all-natural relief that has been yearned for is to be found in this review. Read on to learn more about Hemocyl and how it works as a home treatment.

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoid are rectal bleeding, bleeding during bowl movements, blood appearing on the stool, on the tissue paper used for wiping after bowel movement, and rectal pain. Other hemorrhoid symptoms are itching and/or skin irritation in the anal area, and discomfort.

One can reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids by having a high fiber diet, using creams, wipes, taking stool softeners, and using special pillows for sitting. If the case is severe, surgery might be required.

Hemocyl is a herbal supplement. Two of the ingredients are have been used as herbal medicine for centuries. One of these is the Naga Sampige (Mesua Ferrea) which is the national tree of Sri Langka. The flowers of this tree is used to stop bleeding. The other herbal ingredient is the Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris). The fruits and seeds of this plant is can provide relief from rectal soreness, burning, and pain.

All that has to be done to get cured of hemorrhoids is to take 2 capsules of Hemocyl every morning for 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the problem. Some people may need to take it for only 4 days while others have to take it for 2 weeks - and a person can get hemorrhoid relief for 6 months though many will no longer suffer for a longer period of time depending on certain factors such as diet.

Hemocyl may be used in addition to prescribed medication. Hemocyl should not be used by pregnant women and children below the age of 7. If the person has gastritis and/or duedenal ulcer, it is best to first consult a physician before taking this oral supplement.

For fast relief and to get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, the lasting solution is Hemocyl.

  • Source: http://www.jennyreviews.com/health-and-fitness/hemocyl-hemorrhoids-cure/

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